Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Well, this is going to be the first blog post that I make ever, so I guess I better make it count. By making it count I am going to try to tell you what this blog will be about throughout the next 30 or so weeks. For the last couple of months I have been talking to my church's youth pastor, Lance, about what I could do to try to make a difference in the lives of some of the young men in our area. We talked about plenty of things in our weekly Friday "meetings" that took place on the golf course. We came to the conclusion that small groups are the way to go when trying to help them grow in Christ. I was pleased with this conclusion because when I was a senior in high school, I led a small group that wound up becoming a big group every Thursday after football practice. I loved doing it, but when I went off to college it faded out. Here we are five years later, and I was ready to try it again. Five years ago, the Bible Study was centered for athletes which was great. This time around, even though I wanted athletes to come because that is who I relate most to, I wanted to make sure everyone felt welcome. The way that we got it started was, every Sunday we go to the high school football field at 2:00, and play football for a few hours. From there we go back to the church and have our Bible Study. After we met the first time, and got some ideas of some cool things we could do to get guys to come, it was time to come up with a theme. I am pretty excited about what God has told me to do. One, because it interest me a great deal, and two because of the way that it plays off of something I used to joke around about. When I was in High School, I had a saying that I went around saying just trying to make people laugh. It was the ABCs of being a Christian. No, not the one everyone heard when they were little..."Admit. Believe. Confess." This one was definitely a joke. I would say "A-Always be a Christian. B-Be a Christian. C-Christian." This joke may have gotten some laughs, but it definitely did not help anyone in their walk with Christ. So, after saying all that I will wrap this post up by telling you this. I want to do it right, and actually try to help young men in their walk with Christ, and hopefully lead more to Christ. In this Bible study, we are going to go through each letter of the alphabet, that will be represented by something that can help these young men in their walk. I want everyone to understand something else, too, anything that happens in this Bible study to help these young men in their walk does not come from me. It will all come from God. I am just going to do what God asks me to do. Nothing more, Nothing less. God has been so good to me my entire life, and now it is time for me to get serious about giving what I can give back to him. I hope that everyone who reads this will be blessed. I will leave you with a verse this time, and the first post about the ABCs of being a Christian is coming soon.

John 3:30 "God must increase, but I must decrease." NASB

God bless you all.

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